At the park

Was gloriously sunny this morning so we arranged to take the kids bikes and meet friends at the park, only by the time we got there it had started to rain and was bitterly cold! D was in his wellies so revelled in riding his bike through the big puddles - until he went through one more mud than puddle and fell off. Oops. Poor Lily May fell over too and split her lip, but it didn't seem to bother her for long.

We checked out the snakes, fish and turtles in the animal house, then headed over to the playground before meeting mum for lunch. Both children fell asleep on the way back so I ended up sat in the car with them for an hour when we got home (hooray for bum warming seats!!). Problem with late napping is the knock on effect on bedtime. They've only just gone to sleep and its 10pm. Oh well, maybe we'll get a lie in in the morning eh? haha.

In other news...I have wine and Phil is at the football so I don't even have to share :)

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