February Challenge - A

Day 1 of DDW's February daily challenge - A

A trip down to St Albans today, and while I was there I took the opportunity of doing a little street photography. With bright sunshine and long heavy shadows, it is best described as difficult conditions with very high contrast (Oh, for some nice subtlety!).

This, however, to fit with the theme, is what was originally known as St Albans Abbey, now known as St Albans Cathedral or officially The Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban. As it is Albans Abbey, I claim if for an A!.

I was there at the wrong time to get the best light on the West entrance, you can see that it is in shadow, and as I only had the Fuji with me I struggled a little to get it all in at the widest zoom. I always find it quite a difficult building to photograph as some of the trees are placed awkwardly and always seem to get in the way.

Inside the Hertfordshire Chorale were rehearsing, which made a pleasant distraction, but also prevented too much photography inside out of respect for them.

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