Blippish Columbia

By OllieG90

February Faces: Ben and Corey

Welcome to my February Photo-Challenge; February Faces. For the month of February I'm going to work on street photography / portraiture and try and photography someone different every day. I'm also going to try not to make it a series of people I know but branch out of my comfort zone and photograph people I meet in the street and day to day situations.


Ben and Corey

Ben is an old friend from university out visiting Vancouver with his girlfriend. I had planned to make him my first face of the series and then whislt we were at Brunch we happened upon Corey, a real life Mountie, and couldn't resist the photo opportunity. Shyness overcame and I ended up massively underexposing the photo leading to a lengthy resurrect in Aperture. Lesson learned; don't leave until you're happy with the shot!

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