Life is a sum of all your choices

I was discussing books with some lovely colleagues on Friday night.

The Head of English is collecting photographs of people's bookshelves.

I said I might comply with her request.

We had a brief discussion about poetry.

I think she was somewhat surprised that a Head of Science would be reading poetry.

Does it matter that I do or don't?

How do we appear to other people and how much do we shape that?

Does it matter? Of course it matters.

I was invited to do a personality profile at work.

Multiple choices including options such as a) calm and reflective b) energetic and impulsive c) gregarious and sociable d) driven and direct.

So you sit there over thinking the options for a period. What are good qualities in a leader? What are good qualities in a manager? How am I seen? (Others will analyse me later!) How do I see myself?

I know I'm stubborn but realise that this is not always a positive character trait. I don't think it's enough to say, 'I am what I am' because that implies you are never willing to change.

I think the best thing to do is stop this navel gazing and go and have a sandwich. Live in the moment!

I haven't even started on the pros and cons of keeping books.

Although, I will say I just love looking at them!

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