
By lauriin

Rain, Rain Go Away!

No time to go into great detail about today so a few points:

-Work was okay but I've been in agony with my neck all day and I don't know what I've done to it. A massage would go down well.

-The weather's been horrible but the sun was out whilst I was on my driving lesson. I booked my theory test today so that I have to study for it because I'm just not bothering about it at all. That'll be on 16th August, wish me luck, I'm gonna need it!

-Inbetween showers popped into my Gran's for a wee visit. Got this blip in her lovely garden.

-Tickets have been booked to see Fall Out Boy at Edinburgh Corn Exchange. Me and my friend Fiona are going to take my nephew Liam. He's 11 years old and you have to be 14 to get in so we're gonna have fun dressing him up and doing his hair to go :] good job he's tall!

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