Lone Ranger

Risking Tilly on a 'clean' dog walk to make sure she didn't get her face dirty and still wearing her lampshade, we headed out taking the sunny window of opportunity which presented itself this morning. It transpired many other dog walkers were doing the same thing!

After ploutering near a small brook I looked up to see Hubs coming towards me, dogs off the leads, totally covered in oozing mud. Ha! Well no ... that is usually my call and I couldn't help but laugh as the boot was on the other foot ...once for a change! The hillside was incredibly slippy with all the wet grass, mud and rain and he'd gone a purler but was thankfully unhurt! Obviously the walk back was a tad quicker than the outward journey. It was a, 'stand in the utility and take them all off and straight into the washer', scenario!

Thought the lone dog walker and labrador hurriedly pacing away from us, freshly escaped from the eager jaws of Tilly added a bit of perspective.

We only just made it back to the car before yet another downpour it so that was lucky!

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