BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles

Happy as a pig in.....

....Muck! What did you think I was going to say?

Today was a great surprise, after waking up to the sound of rain at 8:00 and presuming I wouldn't get out on my bike, I went back to bed for another half an hour and this time when I woke it was to glorious sunshine.

Once again my bike ride involved dodging many potholes and riding through huge floods which takes a bit more concentration.

At least some living things like the wet and mud including the swine variety.

These two in my blipfoto came over to say hi when I pulled up on my bike but I'm sure they wouldn't have been as friendly later on when they found out I'd eaten one of their relatives in the form of bacon... Nom nom nom!!

Hope you've all had a good weekend

Mr Bo Hingles

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