B is for Borrowed Bunnies

Looking after M & M & B's pets whilst they go skiing.

Photographed the pets. This is Bluebell and Honey.

Dogs out for a walk around park twice so I'm tired.

Sat trying to finish my book 'Storm Singing and Other Tangled Tasks' by Lari Don. I know they are young person's books but I've thoroughly enjoyed the series and also because they are set in Scotland and many of the places I've been to, although I don't remember meeting dragons and centaurs on my travels ;-)

Quote from book:

"Let's assume it's nasty, violent and large, with an array of effective weapons, and prepare accordingly. If it's actually a bunny rabbit with a sharp stick, we can laugh at our over-preparation once we're safe."

Somehow I don't think Bluebell who will thump you and stamp her feet, and Honey who's just nosey will not be causing any problems somewhere around Scotland. Well worth the read.

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