
By Scobes

Don't mention the nose...

......poor Bernie, he's certainly no Cyrano de Bergerac; this shot angle rather unfairly gives him a big schnozzle. Good fun though.

Yesterday afternoon, I learnt that my new contract starts on Monday......gulp, I need to go back to the land of work after four weeks of pleasing myself and sponging off my good lady. Ahh well, it was good whilst it lasted.

Instead of going for my planned cycle, I did necessary preparatory paperwork for Monday and tried to get my head round 'casual' as the stated dress code.....I don't have casual in my wardrobe.

Later, I retired to The Windsor Buffet and contemplated my future over several pints of Stewart Ka Pai South Pacific IPA......just a wee word about this delicious beer...don't drink it as a session ale, it's far too strong.

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