Northern Star

By Lifferz


B is for bleeuurrggg Last night I was feeling like I was about to be struck down with something awful. In bed by 9:20 with 2 hot water bottles, 2 duvets and a honey and lemon drink from a well known pharmaceutical company. I was freezing cold and the drink made me feel nauseous . Wide awake at midnight feeling too hot but healthy. Asleep again by 1am, woke at 8am feeling terrible, fine again at 2pm after a very stressy dream where I lost my passport having had hold of it seconds before, opened my rucksack to find about 200 passports which I was trying to sift through as I was about to miss a plane. Needle in a haystack worry. It was such a relief to be awake and feeling well again. From 2:30 all I have done is read, sometimes I feel the articles I read have minimal significance for what I am trying to write but there is a paranoia that I must leave no stone unturned. It's been a bleeuurrgghhh day but at least I have been productive. Stopped at 8pm and treating myself to a little Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall in Scandinavia before a bath and then (hopefully) a final stint of reading. I'm rather terrified that I haven't started rewriting big chunks yet but my theory is that reading everything first and noting how I think it fits into my research may be the most thorough and time efficient way to do this.....but what do I know...seriously? Bleeuurrggg

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