
By flowersandbirds


Growing up on a farm in Western Nebraska we spent a lot of time during winter vacations and snow days fitting puzzles. When our kids (4 of them, daughter N. 29, son N. 26, son D. 22 and son D. 22.) were little we started getting them puzzles to fit. Over the years it became a tradition to get 3 of the 4 kids a puzzle for Christmas. Son N. wasn't/isn't a puzzle fitter. I (mom) was always a little selfish because I like fitting puzzles and if they got some for Christmas I could help. Now they periodically get me a puzzle for Christmas. This year the non-puzzle fitting son and girlfriend got me 2 puzzles with Terry Redlin prints on them. So as only fitting the kids helped me fit this puzzle. Somehow I always get stuck turning over the pieces, fitting the outside and fitting the hard parts. Not sure how that always works. The picture could be in our yard complete with bonfire.

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