Lesley's day by day

By lesleydiack

Terracotta Warriors

This was the exhibition of the Terracotta warrior lanterns in the Old Quad in Edinburgh. This started 6 years ago and has made it to Edinburgh at last. They are amazing to look at and I wished I could have seen them in the dark but nevertheless still great to see them.

The LARGER-than-life lanterns inspired by ancient Chinese warriors have made an appearance at Edinburgh University to mark Chinese New Year.

The spectacle was created by Chinese artist Xia Nan for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, and this is the first time the warriors will be showcased in Scotland.

The lanterns are inspired by the army of terracotta soldiers, discovered in 1974 when the tomb of the 3rd Century BC First Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang was unearthed in the Xi’an province of China.

The lanterns can be seen at the Old College triangle for the next week.

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