One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

King of the fire

His work.
His supervision.
His project management.
His epitome.
His consecration.


The kids had a brilliant Halloween. They were very excited. Beyond excited. And they can now capitalise on this with enough sweet and sugary shite to fuel a 6 month sugar rush... Maybe I should not have told them to swap the ritual "trick or treat" chant for the more effective "I'll-sneeze-swine-flu-on-you or treat" threat.

It proved too successful. I had to follow them around with a van, so that they could unload the goodies after each victim's house.

Skinny Maloney Skeleton in the making
B&W scary
The previous B&W scary was not half as scary as this B&W
WTF is he on says Finnzy
Ready to go out!
Full moon Halloween
Magic Atomic Suburban Mushroom

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