My glass is half full

Today I've gone back to work and that is real progress.

In NZ we have a government scheme call ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation). Their job is to help me heal and get back to work and the rest of my life. Other than meet the cost of my medical costs (or most it), various assessments are done to ascertain what other help I need.

While I'm on crutches and in a cast I get home and personal help. I can't drive so ACC pays for a taxi to and from work. Today an Occupational Therapist has assessed what I need at my desk etc. From today's assessment I will get a stool thingy to put my foot on under my desk.

To keep swelling under control and best elevation is when my foot is above my heart. That isn't possible at my desk so we have to slowly build up my time and monitor the impact of swelling, numbness and tingling.

Today is real progress. I was so pleased to be back at work. I've sorted all my emails, been to one meeting and planned out work for the rest of the week. Not bad for 3 hours.

I'll work 3 hours for the rest of the week and progressively increase my hours over the rest of the month. There is room to change the plan if needed.

At one point I felt a surge of grief about losing Mum. Equally as fast I felt the love and pride Mum has for me. She was proud of what I'd achieved and always interested in what I did at work and how I felt about it. I carry that knowledge with me.

Yes I'm tired and there are ongoing niggles with the disorganised outfit that has the contract for my personal and home care, but what a beautiful day it is, today I've taken a big step forward to returning to normal and, there is a system that helps make it all happen.

My glass is indeed half full.

Yesterday's little outing :-)

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