Mr Jakob Minnies looks after our garden. I have great admiration for his tracking ability.
Last night as we were getting ready to go to bed there was a commotion in the garden with Honey telling us in the most insistent way that there was something to see. Derek took the torch and found our nocturnal visitor, a large porcupine, who, hating the torch light, disappeared into the bushes near the fence.
We told Jakob about it this morning and asked him to tell us if he noticed any signs of the visit. He showed us where the porcupine had eaten a peach lying on the ground under the tree and was able to follow his tracks in the gravel and dry sand. I could hardly see the tracks when he showed me what he was able to see and follow. The print has a heel-palm impression and then little fingers/toes.
Previously Jacob has shown us otter prints in the wet mud near the dam.
Jacob grew up in the district of Prince Albert and must have learned these skills as a child in the veld.

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