Mad Ramblings Of An Idiot

By ivanb

Monochrome Monday

I've been off work for two weeks, save for last Tuesday when I thought I'd made a recovery. It seems that there's a flu bug out there with some very nasty effects (rumours are that it's the H1N1 strain, or swine flu by its common name).

Anyway, two weeks off work and I still feel rubbish, and today's weather seems to sum things up perfectly.

Still doesn't seem real that my fluffy friend has gone. The greyness of the weather matching my mood so well. I know that she was "just a cat" to most, but to all who met her she was just so much more than that. I know that things will be a little easier over time, but for now, well, I just feel so sad.

Cherish the moments you have with your loved ones, whether they be human or not. Let them live on in your heart. You will miss them when they are gone.

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