A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Lazy Night

Work was extremely long and slow today, although made slightly better by a visit from a very soggy Rory. He'd decided to go for a 50 mile road ride and it had started snowing half way round, so he turned up at the pharmacy to try to warm up before heading home. I've never seen someone as wet, cold or miserable as he looked today and I certainly won't be surprised if he ends up with a cold!

I had a lovely dinner with my family tonight, it's not often we're all in for dinner so I made sure I was home to eat with them. No one will ever be able to make Shepherd's Pie as well as Mum makes it! I don't even want to attempt it because I know it will fall short!

Rory and I had a lazy night watching part of a film before deciding that we couldn't come up with a better or more entertaining activity than playing the xbox. I almost forgot to take a photo today!

I've been returned home by Rory and told to think of something fun to do together tomorrow so we actually do something other than xbox or films! ....oh what to do....

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