Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Well that should keep them happy

I have to take a CV to the job centre with me this week. They insist I have to have one, despite the fact the majority of places (the type of places I will be looking) don't accept CVs, but still it's good to have all the dates etc written down to refer to while filling in application forms.

Thankfully I had and found an old one, which I was able to copy and update where needed.

Maybe the job centre will finally understand my professional background is in waste management!? And I didn't do office admin!!! though I am happy to look for an admin job

Eep I also need to check my internet searches so I can write down all the websites I've job searched on this week - must remember to write it down as I'm doing it - that's another command of the job centre.

Oh and I also need to upload CV to the governments all singing, all dancing pathetic universal job match thing which despite being crap I have to use for job searching.

Oh and I have to write my quite frankly demeaning job search activity dairy, this is where you identify weaknesses in your job search goals and says how you are going to address them and then what actions you actually took. So mine this week will be update CV, take to job centre, upload to website, look for jobs.

Been a bit down today.

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