
Morning began with a trip to the dump & to meet a fellow blipper at the dump! (don't ask)
Final push to finish the Glasgow pad saw us buying a sofa bed from Benson's Beds in Clydebank. Excellent customer service so we were on a roll when we continued our search for curtains. Went to Harry Corry, good staff but not a great selection, then we went to a certain mill shop! Oh my God, customer service my foot! After much searching, we found a member of staff & asked if she could match our measurements to some curtains as we assumed (hadn't a clue!) where things were. She said "oh its such & such a size, they are up there she says waving a limp hand somewhere in a Westerly direction of the Clyde river!. 'I will attend to you when I have finished stacking these wee packets on this very intricate shelf!"
With 4 of us looking for the bloody curtains and then me meeting an old friend from Skye so naturally we had a good catch up blether while the other 3 searched in vain for curtains, with neither no 2 daughter or her beau agreeing to what they liked!
Anyhow after something like an hour searching, we found 3 pairs then rejected 2 and then settled on the final choice but not before we managed to wreck havoc with their arrangement !!! of curtain sizes. So if you are looking for logical sizing, DON"T go there! plus most of the bloody curtain packs seemed to jump out at you and then fall on a heap on the floor!
Clutching the bloody curtains, a bin, cushions (Which the beau felt had to contrast to the sofa he hasn't yet seen) and a few other odds & sods we then found the checkouts looking like the wreck of the Marie Celeste! Deserted! Where do stores get these duffers from and do they not give them even the smallest semblance of training in customer service !!!
I was so frazzled that my appearance altered dramatically

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