Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

Portrait Preparation

Thanks for all of the recent looks and comments on my posts. I'm now into my final month of my first year of blip!

This is a self portrait (of me naturally), as I've been 'commissioned' to take some portraits of everybody at work for our new ID cards, as the site manager heard that 'I was handy with a camera'! Cool or what.

Now from looking through my blips, I've not done that many portraits (the subject tends to move a bit more than the landscape) so I thought I would have a little practice on a willing subject to get the seating position sorted etc. Naturally there were some false starts and an odd outtake

On another front I've progressed on from the treadmill and bike to the rowing machines at the gym tonight.

I've been somewhat shocked this evening to see on the Yorkshire County Cricket page to see that it is only 8 weeks to their first game!!! It's only the start of February!

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