
By elk922

Endocrinology day #1

Praise the sweet lord in heaven! Today was the first day of the best rotation I am going to have in pa school. I began with Dr. Deeb today and he is something else. The man is a hoot and loves to spend half his day joking with students and the other half teaching them and his patients. The man is incredible and a wonderful teacher. He has so much pride in what he does and never intimidates anybody. I would be happy to work in the environment of happiness and learning that he has created in his office environment forever. I am going to try and learn tons and tons and make each day count, because I am not going to get enough days with him, I can tell already.
Day one of juicing went well as well. I was not hungry at all and I felt pretty good, no after lunch fatigue or crashing. It has only been one day but there have been no troubles as of yet. We will resume again tomorrow with more results.

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