..one day at a time..

By MsShutterbug

library time

day 35 | reading expands the mind

one of those days where the temperature at midday was five degrees cooler than the morning…we started the morning at twenty four degrees and by midday it was nineteen…rain was here for the day too.

maddy's teacher this year is one that parents love but the children dislike, i'm sure all the parents out there will know what i mean…she came home with the news that twenty minutes of reading every night is back (Yay)…when the teacher checks their reading every day they are more inclined to conform…so off we went to the library to find an "interesting" book…not an easy task with maddy…"too girly" "too scary"…the list goes on…she finally settled on one and i picked and suggested she get one other one just in case the one she picked is a little "too…".

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