Doll House

By dollhouse


'And now, quite slowly, there began to creep over Matilda a most extraordinary and peculiar feeling. The feeling was mostly in her eyes. A kind of electricity seemed to be gathering inside them. A sense of power was brewing in those eyes of hers, a feeling of great strength was settling itself deep inside her eyes. But there was also another feeling which was something else altogether, and which she could not understand. It was like flashes of lightning. Little waves of lightning seemed to be flashing out of her eyes...

..."Tip it!" Matilda whispered, "Tip it over!"

She saw the glass wobble. It actually tilted backwards a fraction of an inch, then righted itself again. She kept pushing it with all those millions of invisible little arms and hands that were reaching out from her eyes, feeling the power that was flashing straight from the two little black dots in the very centres of her eyeballs.

"Tip it!" she whispered again. "Tip it over!"

Once more the glass wobbled. She pushed harder still, willing her eyes to shoot out more power, and then, very very slowly, so slowly she could hardly see it happening, the glass began to lean backwards, farther and farther backwards until it was balancing on just one edge of its base. And there it teetered for a few seconds before finally toppling over and falling with a sharp tinkle on to the desk top...'

~Roald Dahl, Matilda

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