
By woofcity

post-breakfast pre-walk snooze

A favourite time of the day at Puppy Central is the first cuddle of the day when the Husband has left for work and the kids are still in bed so I am at their disposal. I get my mug of tea, mobile and tablet ready before I sit down as the cuddle can take some time :)

Emily thinks she has first claim to my lap, Grace doesn't quite agree with this and Storm is heavy enough to make a gap where he wants to sit. Usually some compromise is found and I can catch up on Blip, emails and Facebook.

Alice decided she'd accompany us this morning on the priviso we didn't go anywhere muddy. After visiting the beach two days in a row I chose the Horam to Heathfield stretch of the Cuckoo Trail as we hadn't been there for a while. Good walk in the sun, Emily didn't bark at the few dogs we met and the owners were nice little old ladies who admired the puppies.

After seeing some primroses growing I think a touch of Spring must have gone to my head as I spent the afternoon spring cleaning upstairs! It's passed now :)

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