Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

The Rocket

I was off work today so, after sorting the boys for school, I went to my Body Pump class at the gym. Before the class even began there was a fire alarm so we all had to stand outside in the cold for ten minutes...then we went back inside but the class was shortened so got out of doing killer lunges! Was looking forward to a nice cuppa when I got home but there was a tonne bag of logs for the log burner waiting on the drive so I had to transfer them all into the took about ten trips and I've strained my back lugging the thing up the steps. I managed to do that in just under an hour and then had to rush out to meet up with my mate, Julie (owner of Rocket) as we'd pre-arranged to go for a walk....which we did. I didn't ride Rocket today but we did pay him a visit. I had Hovis with me and he didn't quite know what to think of Rocket being inches from his nose. Julie fell flat on her bum and thought she'd twisted her ankle (she hadn't). All good fun!!

Got home to collect boys....Lewis had yet another detention for homework not being completed to standard so I had to collect him too. Then meals...then homework....I want my bed!!

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