Tales from the Swamp

By fatmungo

It's escaped again!

That Zebra's a crafty one. Two escapes in the last month suggests less than careful owners. I'm sure they are better at keeping an eye on their investment funds :-)

Today was"wrong" city day so I was off on the early train, digesting the Metro (Nemi was especially good) and getting a 15min snooze.

As with most "wrong" city days it was pretty manic. I did, however, invent a new word. I bring you SMEDIUM! It's not small. It's not large. It's smedium :-) Maybe you had to be there...

Tonight I finished cleaning up the Goblin Town kit. Recon we will be good for a game soon if I'm not playing Diablo 3 with youngling #1.

Food => Biscuits (Tesco) and cheese (Arran)
Place=> Pacific Road that nobody could find
Game => Diablo 3 again

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