Play to Cure: Genes in Space

Oops, I just noticed that the Blip I intended to post for today appeared as tomorrow's (it was taken at 00:06 I didn't realise it was so late!). At least that takes the pressure off tomorrow :-) Although that means if I do today's plan tomorrow, I can't use it as a Blip (well I could replace tomorrows, but I won't). Does that sense? And no, I haven't been drinking!

OK, back to today's Blip, this is a snap I took with my mobile of my table screen. Cancer Research UK launched a mobile game today called "Play to Cure: Genes in Space", the game apparently helps analyse genetic data.

Quote from page:
"By playing Genes in Space you'll be analysing significant amounts of genetic data which would have taken scientists hours to do. This data can then be used to develop new life saving treatments."

This is a great idea, I'm assuming that the idea is that they have so much data to analyse and not enough processing power and time to do it, so they are getting the general public to do small bits of it on their phones and tablets. Unfortunately the game isn't that great and I don't see a lot of people playing it for long, the concept is good and the game is pretty good quality but it doesn't have that addictive quality to make people come back and play it again and again :-( But if they can do this in one cheap game, imagine the potential if they could get the analysis code into something like Candy Crush that is played by 150+ Million users a month!

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