Sarah's Challenge

By Sarah2


You know those grey boxes that get in the way on pavements? I think they have loads of wires in them? And they all say 'no posters allowed' (a great source of confusion to me as a child). Well, hopefully you know what I'm talking about. In Brisbane there are no grey boxes, they're all painted with amazing murals (that might not be the right word) and every single on is different. I like the ones outside the hospital with nurses and patients on, I mean to take a photo every day but only every remember when I've already made it home! But today I remembered, as I got the wrong bus and ended up somewhere totally random this morning I spotted this one. They make the day a little bit more interesting.

I'm watching 'Homes Under the Hammer' on TV because I feel homesick today for the first time and and nice to see some England!

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