Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Absence ...

While sitting in the coffee shop chair waiting for my little friend to arrive, my thoughts turned to the empty chair beside mine. It's just a chair, a device so you don't have to sit on the floor, but when filled it becomes so much more. I thought on all the places that are less without us, some places only need certain people with you, others can be filled by the masses.

Friends, the people you choose, fill our lives. They fill the spaces. They sit in empty chairs and make them complete, they remain silent when quiet is needed and fill the air around you with laughter when not. When tears come there is nothing better than a friends shoulder for them, it's absence makes it all the more horrible. Today, my thoughts are with my best friend. He's having the start of a two phase procedure on his back (a sort of pacemaker for a nerve cluster that is constantly firing) which will see him with wires sticking out of his back for a while. After it's all done we're hoping it will give him his life back, he can get out and do stuff, live....

So for him (& me) it will mean that we shall see him in places which he has not been able to be, I long to get him to the top of some mountain, even if it's just in this country! To show him the places that fill my world.

For Jason

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