
Today's been a bit of a blur. I'm sat here trying to remember anything about it!!
It's late and I'm sleepy!
Let's think......
Oh yes, to a play centre first thing with Miss L, Mrs C and Mr C. Unfortunately they had a TV on showing a Tom & Jerry DVD and Miss L plonked herself down on a sofa and settled in!
We could have stayed at home and watched Tom & Jerry!!!
She did eventually have quite a run around and I had a nice cup of tea and chat with Mrs C.
Then we popped home to pick up Mr K and we headed over to Milton Keynes to sort out my stupid new useless phone.
We dealt with a child in Phones4U who seemed to have never heard of mobile phones. Or Wi-Fi. Or the Sales of Goods Act which Mr K rather impressively started quoting. My hero!!
The child gave me a new, identical handset and assured me "it'll be fine". I wasn't convinced but Mr K said we'd try it and come back tomorrow if it doesn't work.
As of 10pm tonight the Wi-Fi is still working. Woohoo!!
After picking Miss E up and putting a few potatoes in the oven I headed over to Bicester for Fat Club.
2lbs off this week. Which gives me a grand total of 11lbs so far. Woohoo!!!
And then it was to my mum's for a slap up feast. Well a tasty M&S Fuller Longer lamb stew. Yummy!

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