My Long Term Memory

By marinakari

White sunrise

You are looking the sea, sealed with ice cover. Only passage to harbour is broken. Do open it large by hitting "L" key,there is tiny ferry going.
Shuttle boat still sails to islands several times a week. There are people living in archipelago all year round.

Today I made short stop in Kotka marina on my way to work. Photo is taken around sunrise time.
It looks much colder than it was, only -1C today.

Thank you for comments, stars and even heart to my white view from yesterday. It was also taken from beach towards the sea.
I'm not mending as quickly I hoped. Just regular work takes my energy level down and I have to rest all evening after it. My Family is very concern about that, but I'm thinking mending just take more time from me. It's so nice that you keep on commenting even I don't comment back to you at the moment. I do look your journals every day!

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