Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Pillow Arangement.

Doesn't he look snug? I can't wait to be in there just all cosy and warm, whilst 6:30 am is still miles away.

Today was good, I feel like I got loads done. We've just started this new project on Dreams so obviously I've taken it to nightmares and fears. I'm using my fear of planes within my piece and I'm also using my beloved Wayne. I'm going to have him conquering the plans and evil nightmares. Like one of the ancient Greek pots that tell a story.

I'm not feeling so great at the moment, feeling a bit run down like I'm coming down with something. I've saved up my syns for tonight so I'm having a glass of port. Oooo, I am excited.

Tomorrows a new day, another weigh day! I'm only 2 1/2 pounds off my stone award so I really hope I get it, if not there's always next week.

Happy Blipping.

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