My trusty steed

Thought I'd have a bike ride today at Harkerville near Plettenberg Bay.

I do cycle but don't have a mountain bike. It was an experience, I followed the so called Green Route which was said to be only 15k. I ended up doing much more.

It was easy looking for the green signs until they disappeared due to forestry works. I ended up some miles from where I should have been on top of a hill overlooking the Indian Ocean. I asked the only human I saw all afternoon where I was and he had no idea as well! He was in his Bakkie, which we would call a pick up, but worked for the forestry company so only knew the bits that applied to him.

So I retraced my steps and came across a green sign. Praise The Lord. Managed to get back to the place from where I'd hired the bike without a problem apart from being well and truly knackered. It was rather hot.

It's a national park that I was riding through and the forest is very dense so it's difficult to get a sense of where you are. I came across a troop of baboons near the coast. Fortunately they ran away, but as I retraced my steps I could hear them calling/barking. The lady from whom I hired the bike said they were becoming a real pest to the locals.

The picture shows my bike, heavy but sturdy, it was a Scott for aficionados, and the forest roads that make up much of the route. The vegetation is largely Scots Pine. The bush close to the bike is heather in full bloom.

Early to bed tonight.

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