Not a Fountain

[second time I've bloody typed this ... don't you just hate it when you press a wrong button ... reminds me of the time someone at work (I am involved in IT but not in support) 'phoned me up and said: Them: Can you help me urgently? Me: Of course I'll try if I can. Them: I mean, I know that I should probably call the help desk, but I need an answer right away Me: OK - how can I help Them: Well, I've been working on the same document all afternoon and I was just closing down to go home and when I closed the document it asked me if I wanted to save it. Me: Go on... Them: And I clicked 'NO'. Them: Is there any way you can get it back. Me: Um ... No ... didn't you save it as you went along? Them: No - but Word's got an autosave feature hasn't it? Me: Yes - but if you say you don't want to save the changes then it kinda throws all those autosaves away. Them: So what you're telling me is that if I said I didn't want to save it then I've lost all my work. Me: Um ... sorry, yes. Moral of the story = the problem is normally between the keyboard and the back of the chair]

Anyhow. Back to where I was.

Not sure what you call a fountain that isn't a fountain because the water is turned off as soon as the hordes of summer tourists leave. Any blippers got any thoughts?

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LOTD: Kammenpyörittäjän kuvat's "Urban Mushroom" blip is fantastic. Love the duotone colours and light/darkness.

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