
By ppqwhite

I'm a lucky girl ....

Thank you missyal and weereenie for your kind words about our children.

Your words made me realise how really lucky I am to have happy and healthy children and a loving husband. I'm extremely grateful to be at home for Hannah, Ross and Grant and to be involved in Hannah and Ross' school life and their after school clubs. I knew all this before but it gets forgotten about when you are shouting at them to get dressed for school, when you know they can do their homework better than what they do, when they fight with each other over the silly little things, when one little toddler bites his big brother or sister for no reason at all!! So I've had a good talking to myself and from now on I'm not going to sweat the small stuff but instead make sure both hubby and kids know how lucky we all are.
So here they are, my lovely three children, my world, drawing and colouring in when I was suppose to be making dinner but instead I just stood, watched them, listened to their chat and laughter but above all thanking my lucky stars. Thank you girls x

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