insufficient time for moon

I only noticed the extreme brightness of the moon when I popped out for a run at about eightish. By the time I'd returned, cooked, eaten, sat about digesting for a bit then popped out again it was getting a bit too late to spend too long attempting to take extremely long exposures of moonlit paths and I'd also forgotten to repack my camera into the larger bag in which there were other lenses, particularly the wider one which would have been much more useful. Hopefully the skies will be as clear tomorrow evening.

Considering it was the first working day of the month and a Monday today went extremely smoothly and even finished a few minutes before five, though lunch consisted of eating things I'd brought in my bag at my desk whilst plodding onwards before finally getting to pop out for a refill of coffee at a quarter past three. The target of not ending up with more than another three additional hours of flex by the end of next week might even be met, though it might be close. The handy thing about the new enforced requirement of not exceeding the maximum permitted limit is that I shall be compelled to take regular days off to reduce the time in order to prevent it building up. One day towards the end of next week would be nice, especially if it continues being nice and cool like it was today. It was finally cold enough to require gloves on the outward-run this evening. There was even a teeny bit of frost on a couple of car windscreens on St Leonard's Hill on the way back and a faint halo around the moon.

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