happily ever after...

By thir13en

So excited

I haven't posted for a while, well since I found out really. But, I'm going to be a mom, with the love I my life, Dan. He's perfect, he's my world, my other half.

He's going to be dad, daddy, dada.. I'm tearing up at the thought. We're so excited, to start our family and build our lives together.

I've wanted children since I was 18. Ridiculously. But I was never with someone that I loved and trusted enough to want to start a family. Actually, I gave up picking out baby names years ago. I thought if never find him. I thought I'd never be a mom. Which made is picking out names together fun & easy. We would just read through the book & say them out loud. Like we'd never heard them before. We found adorable functional lovely names. Hopefully we don't get sick of those choices! It's so early, we have to wait until September to find out if we'll a little man or missy. Well. I suppose I could find out at 20 weeks, but where's the fun in that?

I spent a long time wanting to be a mother, but I didn't realize somehow a period was the nicer way to spend your months! Ugh. Cramps galore. Barely any morning sickness though. The stomach pain wakes me up a few times a night & very early in the morning. I'm out of bed most days before 8.

But I also sleep a lot more. I'm fatigued all the time. Blah. How do people do this? Lol

It's all worth it in the end. <3 we can't wait.

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