
By CharlotteJ

The Weather Man says its raining....

.....hes not flipping wrong!!

Rain, rain, rain! I feel so very sorry for everyone in the south and coastal areas.

We have had a lot of rain here as you can see from my blip, it should be a field not a lake for the birds!

I drove to my parents today for a quick lunch (it’s a two hour round trip for lunch!). Dad is looking better and Mum is looking glam as always, but as for the other road users! Gee whizz, slow down, breaking distances increase in bad weather. Slow down; better arrive late than not at all!!

I sorted out Mums car insurance; her current company wanted £500 a year, which she agreed to until I got my mits on it!

Car insurance duly purchased for £220 a year and that includes courtesy car (the other policy didn’t).

look away now if you are in insurance!

Listen up Insurance companies, don’t try and pull the wool over older people’s eyes or talk so flipping fast that actually the person who is slightly hard of hearing gets lost as to what you are selling them (Mums hearing needs sorting but that’s for another day), they have daughters that like go compare websites and will find a better deal for said parents!

Right, best dash back in the rain I have a meeting to get too.

Much love


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