A sorry tale

Will and I went to his long awaited dental referral today and came away with very long treatment plan, the majority of which fills me with horror and dread. I have to take in his toothpaste, his mouth wash and a food diary so they can check I don't brush his teeth in coke and rub sugar on his gums at bedtime. I know why they do this but it is bloody annoying. Anyway, the dentist was nice, hopefully after she has assured herself that I am actually trying to do my best for his teeth that grow rotten, we can embark on this very long journey together. Will was brilliant.

And then I took him to school where it all started to unravel. Apparently it is not enough that I tell the school he has a dentist appointment, I have to take them evidence of this for them to photocopy and keep. Keep where, I am not quite sure. After a traumatic 5 minutes trying to establish this, in the middle of all the reception classes shouting about their ride in the ambulance parked outside the school (it was all very loud) I said I would bring it up later. Then the bitch office lady said "yes, you must do that. I need that letter. Today". I may have thrown a rude comment over my shoulder as I left and then may have got quite upset. Stupid bloody people not actually believing anything I sodding well say.

Anyway, she can whistle for her letter I have decided. She can send social services round or something.

Daisy has cheered me though with her tales of how her class have apparently tormented the supply teacher today. Apparently she deserved it and it was hilarious. I have been suitable disproving but I do remember those brilliant types of days.

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