
By Indy653

What a difference a day makes!

"Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing." Dave Barry


I don't play golf, but if I were to ever take it up, (very unlikely), this is the sort of course which would appeal to me. It's pretty, with lots of trees and very green and soft. Today was beautifully sunny in the morning and the countryside was sparkling after its heavy duty wash yesterday.

Exercise class followed by light lunch in local pub with Anita and Velvet. Velvet is from Texas and it was interesting hearing her views on Obama and Health Care Reforms in the States.

Going to meet Ben tonight for a steak supper. Tomorrow he heads off for a week ski-ing and music festival-ing somewhere in Europe with a group of his friends. Hope to get a few more details this evening. Perhaps the less I know....

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