Globalscot Conference

Today I was at the GlobalScot conference in Glasgow - a get together of Scots who hold senior business positions around the world and give up their time to help Scots companies. I was invited as one of this years Saltire Fellows. It is really inspiring to see how many friends in high places Scotland has, and to meet some of them.

This picture is from the Kelvingrove Gallery, scene of the evenings gala dinner. In addition to great food and great company we were entertained by students from the RSAMD - and there's a lot of talent there I can assure you! I rather suspect that MrsCyclops would have loved the medley from the musicals they performed...

Right, as a result of staying in the bar with some of the aforementioned GlobalScots I appear to have rather less than 4 hours availabile in which to sleep.... Night night all!

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