
By Leslabelle

Local history

Back to work today and as as expected my desk was piled high with piles of work plus over 250 emails to read and action- ho hum!

Just kept my head down and tried to talk to as few people as possible so as not to get upset with people giving me their condolences.
Poor Martin (my next in line upwards) has tried to do as much of my stuff as possible but has found a lot of my work he had no idea about. He wants me to go through and make a list of everything I do with the view to possibly increasing my pay as what I now do, although it still includes all the same old stuff, seems to be completely different and far more varied than on my original job description five years go. I've been telling them that for ages but I guess it takes me being off and them having to muck in for them to really realise it. Maybe a bit of extra money on the horizon - wouldn't go a miss.

Popped round by the shore on the way home to find something to blip as I'm going back to drama again tonight and always struggle to find something suitable on a Thursday evening.

Have never noticed this 'harpoon' -is it? I guess it must be something like that as the sign is talking about the whaling boats that used to depart from Leith in the old days.

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