Old Photographs...

This very small photograph sits on my dresser. It it one of Arvin's favorite photos of me. I believe I was around two when it was taken. I have to admit I like it too. It is strange to think about the fact that that was how I looked and who I was once upon a time. By my calculation that would have been around 69 years ago. Looking closely I can see some of the current me in this photograph. Square face. Check! Large eyes. Check though a bit smaller these days. Wavy red brown hair. Check er well white really and more curly, but thanks to Jennifer and her wonderful hair coloring product, check. And so it goes. I like having this happy inquisitive child deep inside me. To compare, here I am now and here I was then, the large version.

I put this up because of Aynil who posted this happy photo of herself as a child. It would be fun to see how everybody looked as a child. I don't issue "challenges" but would love to see some of your early photographs. We could tag them OldFashionSP and share how we all looked with each other. Anybody who wants to join in is welcome, any day, any time. :)

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