
By AlrightFlower

Float like a butterfly...

... is something I certainly wasn't doing today!

There's an ice skating rink in Millennium Square in Leeds, and we decided shortly after Christmas that we needed something to look forward to. So, £7.50 each lighter, off we headed down the road this lunchtime. I had made the mistake of mentioning that I had skating lessons when I was at school and, for some reason, they were all under the illusion that this made me some sort of Jayne Torville.

Alas no.

I spent an hour skating around the very edges of the rink (why, when you're skating in a circle, is it a square rink??), with one hand resting on the barrier just in case I fell. Which I did, but only once. And not with the spectacularity (is that a word?) of one my colleagues, who had to be escorted off the ice and taken to the first aid room. Fortunately, apart from a very bruised coccyx, she's ok. We decided it was ok to take the mickey then, since she'd been trying to show off hehe.

I did let go towards the end, but still stayed close to the barrier just in case!

I make it sound a chore, but actually it was a fabulous way to spend a lunchtime. My colleagues are all much better skaters than me, but they whizzed me round a few times, so I was happy. But it was a lovely sense of achievement even to skate a little bit whilst not holding on.

And now I've got a plan...


ps this evening's task has been to sort out my finances, which I have done to the best of my ability. Hasn't been nearly as much fun though...

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