
For the first time in what seemed like months, there was no wind this morning and high water wasn't until mid afternoon so I headed into Kirkwall for a hair cut. I've had to cancel it twice in the last fortnight due to the barriers being closed so it was long overdue!

Coming home Ollie and I had a run up and down the beach and watched the huge breakers rolling in. The sun shone, the car temperature got up to 7 deg C, and the sky was blue. It was a glorious day!

Once home I got the washing on the line and spent the rest of the day barrowing seaweed from the shore onto the veg beds in the back garden. In amongst it there were lots of little sea squirts and holdfasts (seaweed roots) from the sea bed with stones attached, showing how wild it has been out there.

So great to be able to be outside and getting on with things. Amazed to see so many plants starting to come into bud, it's heartening to see how well they have come through the atrocious weather.

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