A Portrait of Juhani

We had a bit fun with our comissinoaire Juhani.
I started a course of measuring  in psyhcological contetxts.
Juhani dropped some cords with different length outside
the doors from which the students got in to the lesson.  Juhani checked if
anyone took any of the cords.  None of them wanted to take the cords,
but two stuff members were angry when they were not allowed
to take the cords.  Juhani said that this is research material, but then
he gave them some extra cord.
I pondered with students that could
we measure triftiness by checking how short stumps of cord
people take from common places  and how short cords they save at home.
Or could we measure something else with this.
It was a soft start for the course and we had nice discussion of noticing
that psychological measurement is not an easy thing.  There are many
things which must be noticed.

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