
By AnyOldIron

Superhero Pose

The only photo I took outside today was the view from the top of a soggy multistorey in Lincoln. It would only have depressed you so here's a badly lit, out of focus shot of the Man of Steel. I'm not sure why you come round here but it sure as heckfire ain't for the photography. I'm mighty glad you do though.

Soup is here tonight to illustrate an interesting snippet of info I gleaned today by way of the delicious randomness of the internet. Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist who researches non verbal communication. She advises that if you are about to go into a scary situation - job interview, public speaking, or in my case just about everything you spend two minutes beforehand (in private) in superhero pose. This will trick your body chemisty into thinking you are invincible and bingo, oodles of confidence. You can then pull out a more socially acceptable power stance which convinces everyone else too.

No idea if it works but I've had tons of fun at work tonight practising my power stance and pretending I'm invincible!

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