The Long Wait

Underground strike day 2, a different route to work today as my (Chris) over ground train only got as far as Harrow on the Hill before a points failure caused an early stop. It was everyone off and the only choice was an already overloaded Metropolitan Line train, the first of the day by all accounts. Thankfully it was going all the way to Moorgate where I could pick up the Northern Line to London Bridge. Result!!!

A damp day in London, I met a photographer friend of Annie's in Borough Market at lunchtime but we spent so long talking IT and jobs, we never got to take any photos!!

The trip home was smoother but there were lots of glum faces looking longingly at departure boards.

Another day for Annie in Bristol. She has left the office after a productive day (at nearly 10pm) but now has the long drive home. Be good to see her home.

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