Exit stage left

By NessD

High hopes

On the negative side I had a migraine today. And there was a tube strike.

On the positive side, the migraine wasn't too bad and I managed to continue to work effectively by sipping ribena and eating occasional mouthfuls of chocolate in an attempt to keep my sugar levels up without getting them too high to cause a crash.

I also got lucky with my travel options and was a whopping one minute late for work without leaving any earlier! On the way home, the overground platform looked a bit crowded so I thought I'd try the bus route. The traffic looked awful so it started walking and for once my feet decided to behave. 2 1/2 miles later I'd filled in the gaps of my geography knowledge of this corner of London and had a thoroughly lovely walk in the drizzle. I can't begin to express how good that felt. 2 1/2 miles may not sound like much. It doesn't to me as an ex-wanderer, if I'm honest and it was so freeing to just walk.

I may pay for working through the migraine tomorrow. I usually do. I may pay for walking but right now I feel great on what should have been a crappy day and I'm going to hold onto that feeling for as long as I can.


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