We are allowed here - it's our chair!!

Taken this evening, & for once both in the same old armchair. They don't often sit or sleep together any more.
Had to go to the golf club and set out hire clubs for some people who came to play golf. It started to rain, just as they arrived, but off they went anyway. So that took care of a good hour.
Then back & forth to pick up & drop off PJ at the boat, then back up to the golf club to put away the sets of clubs. Seemed to be busy all day, but didn't get anything done.
Took the dogs with me on the second run to the golf club, but they just want to escape and chase rabbits. I was very mean and put them back in the car when they managed to squeeze out past me. I had tried to get out, with the door only slightly open. But that didn't deter them.

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